The day that Justin's tour ended, August 12th, 2013, was filled with mixed emotions throughout. He was in Atlanta and he was filled to the brim with excitement, but he loved being on tour so much, that there was also pain. I, on the other hand, sat at my house, alone and waiting for the call from Justin. He said that he'd call right after his concert, so I stayed up even though I was exhausted from rehearsals. My tour started in less than a month and my birthday was just next week, on Saturday, August 17th. It was 11:00pm when I heard my phone vibrate and I grabbed it quickly.
"How was it?" I asked right away, not paying attention to anything else.
I sat up quickly to, waiting for a reply. Justin laughed a bit and just continued to what he had to say.
"It was amazing. The crowd was energetic and they were just great." he said.
I let out a sigh of relief and smiled. At least he was happy, that's literally all that I wanted from this call.
"I'm so glad."
We talked on the phone as I sat on the couch in complete darkness. The TV illuminated the whole room with different colors. I got off the phone with Justin as he boarded the plane, he was going to see his family now that he had time to stop home. Later in the week, he was coming to celebrate my birthday with me. He had already planned my whole party, and invited everyone we knew.
I talked to Justin throughout the week until he arrived in New York. I paced the floors, waiting for him to arrive at my house. It was late at night and I was exhausted from constant voice lessons and dance routines everyday. I was only wearing a big t-shirt and my lace underwear. I turned my attention to the door as the handle turned and it flew open. Without even thinking, my body ran to Justin as he dropped his bags and held me in his arms. His hands gripped my thighs and my arms flung around his neck. I closed my eyes as I leaned in, cupped his face with my hands, and pressed my lips against his. I felt a rush of happiness flow through my body as he pulled away. I was left breathless.
"I missed you." he said as his breath tickled my nose. I smiled.
"I missed you more."
He set me down and I helped grab his bags as we walked inside and settled down. He sat at the counter as I grabbed us some water. I turned around to see Justin watching my every move with his deep brown eyes.
"What?" I said setting the water down across from him.
"Did you find out your opening acts?" he asked, ignoring my question, but partially answering it..
"I'm finding out tomorrow, why?"
"Just wondering."
He got up and grabbed my hand. I followed him to the living room and we both sat down to talk. I loved nights like these, just sitting around and talking about nothing but random topics. I snuggled up into his chest and smelt the familiar smell of his cologne. It made me dizzy just taking a whiff. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. There was no need for speaking, the actions said everything they needed.
I became wary soon and I could barely keep my eyes open. I felt my body being lifted into the air as I laid my head on Justin's toned chest. I closed my eyes as he set me down on the bed and covered me with the duvet before getting in himself. His body entangled with mine as we laid in bed and I fell asleep...
I woke up the next morning to Justin just inches away from my face. He was standing up, right next to my side of the bed.
"Well hello there!" I said as I giggled and kissed his nose.
He laughed and I sat up. I swung my legs to the side of the bed where Justin was and I realized that he was already fully dressed.
"Why are you dressed?" I asked scratching my head.
"Because we have to go to the studio today!" he said with a smile as he held out his hand.
I took his hand and jumped out of bed and fell into his arms. I giggled as I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes and pressed his lips against my forehead.
"Why are you so excited mister?" I asked him as I snuck around him and went to the bathroom.
He followed me and watched as I ran a shower. He seemed more excited than me, and I didn't think that that was possible.
"Because I want to see and meet your opening acts!"
"There's only two, no biggie!" I said stripping down completely naked.
I was comfortable around Justin with my body, so I didn't mind. I stepped in the shower and stood there and talked to Justin as I washed my body and wetted my hair.
"Well it's exciting, I'm going to go grab some Caribou. Be back soon!" he said before shutting the door.
"BYE!" I yelled as I heard my front door slam shut.
He always left at random times to do random things. Another advantage to having a famous boyfriend: if they cheated on you, you'd find out somehow! Either way, I trusted Justin no matter what, so no need to worry about that anymore...
Once I was done, I turned the water and grabbed a towel from the rack. I stepped out of the shower and put on this outfit for today: http://www.polyvore.com/studio/set?id=74828235. I walked downstairs just as Justin walked through the door with two drinks in his hands. He shut the door with his foot and set the drinks down on the kitchen counter. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling.
"Thanks baby." I said as I pressed my lips against his.
He put his hands under my thighs as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me over to the couch, setting me down and laying over me. He placed little kisses behind my ear and continuously down my neck to my collarbone. I rolled my head back and closed my eyes as I smiled. He pulled away and cupped my chin in his hand. My eyes met his and we both smiled.
"Do you think that we're too cheesy as a couple?" I asked randomly.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Ya know, we're always all over each other!"
"That's because," he started kissing my neck in between words, "I... Love... You."
I smiled and pushed him back so that he could kiss my lips. He smiled and I just laughed, he was so adorable all of the time.
"Should we head out now?" he asked me as he helped me off of the couch and towards the door.
I nodded and put my shoes on while grabbing my keys. We walked out to his car and covered our faces from the flashing lights as we got in. Ugh, again... I seriously thought that I was never going to get used to this no matter what.
We arrived at the studio and walked to our room with our drinks from Caribou. I was excited, and coffee always made every morning better.
"Hi Scott!" I said with a smile as we sat down together across from him on a couch.
"(YN), glad to see you again! Shall we get right down to business?" he asked with a smile. I nodded and took a deep breath.
"Your tour name is now called (YN): Live In Concert Tour. You'll be doing 30 shows to begin your first tour, all in North America. Your opening acts will be performing with you during certain songs and there will be special guests occasionally. Don't worry if none of this makes sense now, because it'll all be explained throughout the touring process. And we have both of your opening acts here today and as you know, they will go on before you come out. I'd like you to meet them." he said gesturing towards the door.
I guess I was completely wrong about some things. He had changed a lot of things though lately, but that was fine with me. The door open and I saw a familiar face as I jumped up from my seat to greet him.
"Hi, you look really familiar." I said shaking hands with him.
Scott stood and walked over to us. He smiled at the both of us and I looked around. Where was the other person? Maybe they were late, but htat was fine by me.
"(YN), this is Austin Mahone. Austin, well you obviously know who this is." he said with a chuckle.
We sat down and talked about how everything was going to work out, but then I realized again that this was only one person. I turned to Scott who was on his phone again.
"Who's the other person?" I asked curiously.
He pulled the phone away from his face, covering up the speaker and asking Justin to tell me. I turned to Justin and asked him. He obviously seemed to know!
"Do you know who?" he smiled as he looked down and then back up at me.
"It's me baby!" he said as he threw his hands up in the air.
My body acted before I could comprehend his words and I jumped on top of him and hugged him tight. He wrapped his arms around me as I laid over him now, both of us on the floor. I laughed as I sat up, still hovering over Justin.
"This is going to be the best 3 months of my life." I said as I smiled.
Austin sat in a nearby chair laughing as we got up from the floor and brushed ourselves off. I was so unbelievably excited, I couldn't contain myself.
I talked to Austin and got to know him for about an hour before Justin and I headed back home. We had rehearsals bright and early starting tomorrow...
I hope you liked it. Next chapter within a few days!(:
Omg!!! Love it!! So cool that Justin is coming to the tour!
ReplyDeleteOmg AUSTIN!!!!!